New Video, Old Hobbies
It’s certainly been a wild ride these past few weeks. Does it seem to anyone else as though we’ve always been in quarantine? To make use of a cliche, I hope this blog finds you well.
I’ve certainly been better, but I have also been worse. I feel lucky in these most unlucky times to have a home that’s safe and pleasant for me to shelter in, and to have my health, and a healthy family. My heart goes out to anyone who is struggling right now. Hopefully this global nightmare will not last forever. Cling to your loved ones if you can.
That all said, being unemployed as I am, I’ve had an enormous amount of time to spend on my hobbies. I’ve been making recordings and practicing guitar a ton, and even had time to learn piano a bit and fool around with video editing. My current life is like an evil genie’s wish version of the life I’ve always dreamed of: unlimited time for my creative exploits, but the catch is that I and many of my dearest friends are unemployed, the industry I work in is being destroyed, and hundreds of thousands of people will die.
Anyway, this song is about 8 years old, though the lyrics feel somewhat timely to me now. I’ve tried to record it a bunch of times before and this is the first time it’s felt right. I made a lil stop motion video to go with it. This is the first time I’ve done any animation since I decided not to go to art school and set a bunch of my art on fire in senior year of high school. It’s wonderful how taking a few hundred pictures for a stop-motion project can kill a whole afternoon! I hope this will provide a little diversion for you all for 4 and a half minutes. I think it’s pretty fun.
Stay sane inside y’all!